No Such Nonsense

A little of this, that and... what was I talking about again? It's TV, sports, pop culture and politics - all the stuff that really matters in life.

Monday, March 01, 2010

The Worst Olympics Ever?

So say the London press, and more than a few American media outlets too - focusing on our flubs (like the opening ceremonies erectile dysfunction) and failures (we didn't quite Own the Podium, even if we did take up residence on the top step). But in Canada, with jubilant fans crowding Robson Street every night and Sidney Crosby living up to his billing in overtime of the gold medal hockey game and Stephen Colbert taking us off notice, these Games were a uniquely Canadian success.

Here are my favourite moments of the games:

1. Jon Montgomery's walk and chug through Whistler after winning gold in skeleton. Think he has a future in media, perhaps?

2. Joannie Rochette. I cried more tears during her performances that she did. For a girl who'd had her mental toughness questioned in the past, she showed herself to be a hell of a lot stronger than most of us could be, skating just days after the death of her mother.

3. Alex Bilodeau hugging his brother Frederick after winning gold. I thought the story of Bilodeau and his disabled brother was pimped a bit too hard by CTV in the days following his medal, but at Creekside, it was a perfect moment.

4. Evgeni Plushenko declaring he'd won a platinum medal. Without him and the fabulous Johnny Weir, the men's figure skating competition would have been a bit snoozy, if you ask me. Show me some quads! And at least Russia won something!

5. Norwegian curling pants.

6. David Pelletier as a colour commentator for ice skating. He was critical, thoughtful and hella funny. Rod Black: "And here's Plushenko, the intimidator, back on the ice." Pelletier: "Well, as intimidating as you can be in men's figure skating."

7. Winning a bronze medal while suffering from broken ribs and a collapsed lung. Look, Olympians make me feel lazy enough as I eat Fritos and watch from the sofa. But this is too much!

8. Marianne St-Gelias celebrating as boyfriend Charles Hamelin wins a gold medal, then leaping onto the barrier to give him a hug. Then, him slapping her on the ass in celebration.

9. Clara Hughes, Canada's classiest Olympian, self-described old lady, winning a bronze in her final Games. Few athletes are multiple medalists in one sport. Clara's done it in two sports - and then made a point of donating tens of thousands of dollars to charity while the spotlight was on her.

10. Crosby's goal was epic, but so was the whole game. I'm thinking there are more hockey fans in the world today than there were yesterday, thanks to that game. No wonder Bettman wants to stop sending NHLers to the Olympics.


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