Soon, the Olympics will be over and the disturbingly addicted among us (read: me) will be faced with a dearth of sports drama (for, like, a week, until the NFL season starts).
To get you through that horrible two
sportsless weeks, without having to resort to watching actual
MLB regular-season games on
tv, I give you...
Jen's Top Post-Olympics Sports FlicksOlympics-Themed FlicksChariots of Fire
Admittedly, more of a cultured period piece than your typical rah-rah sports pic. But it does have one of the best sports movie scores ever (second, I'd say, to
The Natural), plus Brits running barefoot on the beach, God, gold medals and a triumph over anti-semitism. How can you say no?
Cool RunningsIt's the Jamaican Bobsled team! Coached by John Candy! Consider it the silly antidote to all that Academy-Award-winning running twaddle above.
MurderballOkay, it's technically the
Paralympics, but these guys kick ass in non-technical, holy-crap kind of way.
Winter SportsMen With BroomsWithout question, the finest mainstream movie about curling ever made. Possibly the only one, true, but very fine nonetheless. Of all the movies on this list, this one gives me the hardest case of the giggles. I can't help myself. Plus, it has the Tragically Hip, curling. Truly
Canadianly awesome.
The Cutting EdgeToe pick!
Slap ShotOnce again, I'm Canadian. They take away my citizenship if I don't list this one.
Baseball Movies (note: way more interesting than actual baseball games)The NaturalTotal and complete sap.
Irresistible, root for the underdog, music swelling, grand-slam
home run,
wonderboy sap. You know you love it.
Bull DurhamTakes the piss out of all the aforementioned sap. My favourite sports movie, bar none.
Major LeagueTotally, completely stupid. Which is rather what makes it so awesome, no?
Football FlicksJerry MaguireMy love for Cameron
Crowe outweighs my natural desire to avoid Tom Cruise. Fast forward over Renee Zellweger.
Friday Night LightsA somewhat bleak perspective on the lives of Texas high school football, but mighty compelling anyway.
LucasTears are shed. Lessons are learned. Sniff.
And, um. Wow, football movies are pretty bad aren't they? But for some mindless fun:
The Replacements (Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever.),
The Longest Yard (the
Sandler version, for the stunt casting alone),
Invincible (yeah, the guy's gonna make the team or they wouldn't have made a movie about him. Still, better than you think it'll be).
A Chick Flick too?Bend it Like BeckhamYou betcha.