Alex Rodriguez and Madonna?Really?I guess it makes sense. He does have a thing for 'muscular'
blond women. And she has a thing for athletes (and singers, and actors, and dancers, and lesbian models and comedians, and, oh never mind). Initial stories out of New York had the Yankees slugger gifting Madge with tickets to a game (innocent enough) and making a few late night visits to her apartment (somewhat less innocent, me thinks, unless they spent the time talking about their respective spouses or Jose
Canseco). In any case, lots of folks dismissed the story as so much unfounded gossip. Now though, it gets juicier though. A-Rod and his muscular
blond wife Cynthia have split, three months after the birth of their second child and amid reports that the erstwhile Mrs. Rodriguez has been spending some quality time with Lenny
Kravitz. Of course, Lenny and Madonna once knew each other pretty well too. So tacky. So A-Rod. So many happy Red
Sox fans.
The Un-RetirementSeems Brett
Favre is experiencing the 'itch'. I think there are over-the-counter powders that can take care of that, no? Oh wait. Different itch. This itch is to play some football. Shocking! The guy who has made a late-career tradition of generating will-he-or-won't-he retirement talk for the last 5 freaking years may not be done with the game. Thing is, though, I think the Pack are pretty much done with him. I believe this one when I see it.
Jen's Award Show OutrageI finally got around to watching
Brokeback Mountain. It was my pride weekend activity. For some reason, the weary hubby took a pass on the viewing. In any case, I so loved this film. I loved Heath Ledger. I loved
Jakey G (big shock, I know). I loved the story, the characters, Wyoming. I had a quiet ache for several days after it was over. I cried. A lot. Then I thought about the fact that this beautiful film actually lost out on the Academy Award to the insipid let's-all-be-friends-even-though-we're-all-actually-racist parable
Crash. On what planet is that possible? Why? Why!?! Stupid academy.